Venue Applications- General Application

Are you thinking of booking us as a venue?

If you would like to book us as a venue, don't hesitate to get in touch with our secretary for further details @ (305) 947-1098, or visit our office located at 14455 Memorial Highway, North Miami, FL 33161.

Please complete this form.

Church members and non-church members are permitted to use the church sanctuary in accordance to the agreed upon guidelines and principles. All applications for use of the church faculties must be approved by the Pastor of his designee.

Rental Rules & Regulations

Thank you for selecting HEBC as the site to pay your last respects and say your final goodbyes to your loved ones. Although this is a sad time in your life, we also know this day is important to you and your family. We therefore want you to know our guidelines now so that you can include them in your plans.

  1. Renters may only use the name and address of this church to identify the location for the service.
  2. The sanctuary's maximum seating capacity is 500.
  3. The church comes "as is." Please protect the walls, floors, and all facilities being used. Please, nothing may be taped, nailed, or tacked to the walls. Renters must bring all of their own supplies, such as all items needed for the service.
  4. If it conflicts with regularly scheduled events of the church, no funeral shall be scheduled.
  5. SMOKING IS PROHIBITED THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING. Violation will result in the forfeiture of your security deposit. The responsibility for control of no smoking rests with the signee of this contract. (Examples of smoking products include and or are not limited to Cigarettes, Cigars, Electronic cigarettes aka E-cigarettes, Dip, Hookah, etc.)
  6. Photography and videotaping are permitted as long as the camera remains stationary and does not interfere with the service. Photographers are NOT ALLOWED in the ALTAR AREA.
  7. Renters must provide the church pastor/rental committee with the names and contact numbers of all officiating pastors and their religious affiliations prior to the service.
  8. Renters will ensure that
  • No alcoholic beverages are served on the premises before, during, and after the service.
  • No illegal drugs, firearms, or other weapons are permitted on HEBC's property.
  • HEBC (Baptist) principles are adhered to throughout. Thus, funerals with rituals that are incompatible with the Christian faith are prohibited.
  • The facility is left in the condition found and the renter will assume all responsibilities for all damages incurred before, during, and after each service.

9.Renters will ensure that the sanctuary and all other facilities used are cleaned up and left as they were found after each service.

10.Security deposits are required to cover any damages or costs for clean-up not completed by the renter. The security deposit must be submitted with the contract to reserve the space. Security deposit checks will be deposited in the church account and a check will be issued to the renter in full amount no later than 15 days after the date (or last date) of the use facilities, provided that no damages had occurred and the facilities were returned to their original condition.

11.The fees are set based on the assumption that the renter will clean up their event and restore areas used to their original condition of cleanliness. Otherwise, the deposit will be forfeited.

12.Any problems that arise will be handled by the church rental committee: their ruling will be final.


For cancellation 48 hours or less before the funeral service, only 50% of the payment will be issued.